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Re: [geclipse-dev] Parametric Jobs and Workflows

Good morning Mathias,

2008/9/12 Stuempert, Mathias IWR <mathias.stuempert@xxxxxxxxxx>

Just for curiosity, what happens if I add a parametric JSDL as a workflow job to a workflow?

It will probably ignore the sweep of parameters, and will only submit a single workflow as normal. But I'm only speculating as not tested it yet.

I'm thinking of the use case where scientists run the same simulation many times with different input parameters and afterwards run a job that collects all these results and calculates the "mean results" (for instance in weather forecast). So normally such a workflow would consist of many jobs in layer A with their output ports connected to one job in layer B. Such a workflow would be hard to set up, thinking about 1000 or more jobs in layer A. But with a parametric JSDL it would be just one job in layer A.

Parametric workflows is something we talked about before, as they would be essential for complex/large workflows with many jobs parts and iterations. So I agree with all your points.

So any comments on that? Could this be implemented? Is it already possible?

It probably could be implemented. As far as I know it is not already possible because Workflow2Jdl will ignore the sweep tags in a parametric JSDL.

From what I understand from Kasia's demo in previous meeting, some processing happens to analyse the sweep elements that are embedded in a parametric JSDL, then actually creates multiple JSDLs for each parameter combination, and those JSDLs are individual coverted and submitted to the Grid. So I guess the same approach should be possible with workflows.


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