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Re: [geclipse-dev] switching to Ganymede / Eclipse 3.4

I actually installed off the gEclipse Yoxos profile a few weeks ago,
and it was already Ganymeded-up, although I did have some problems
resolving some dependencies.

I'll try the new packages this morning to see if they are resolved.


2008/8/18 Markus Knauer <mknauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Status of the switch:
> * Nightly build is driven by Eclipse 3.4, but it still compiles against a
> 3.3/Europa target - this is one of the remaining steps.
> * EPP packages are built against Eclipse 3.4 / Ganymede from now on; they are
> building but I expect some minor issues.
> * I created two Yoxos profiles to make the switch to 3.4/Ganymede as easy as
> possible. Maybe there are some volunteers out there who want to give it a try
> and send me some feedback about it before everybody switches to 3.4/Ganymede.
> Maybe we can discuss this in the call tomorrow.
> %< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yoxos profiles:
> * Open Yoxos-on-Demand
>   ** Committers with write access to the repository choose in the
>     plug-in explorer:
>     [Public Profiles|Eclipse Contributors|g-Eclipse Development (committer)]
>     direct link:
>  ** Contributors without write access to SVN at choose
>     [Public Profiles|Eclipse Contributors|g-Eclipse Development]
>     direct link:
> * Start download and unzip the archive
> * Start Eclipse and (*IMPORTANT*) create a new workspace
>   NOTE: If you are behind a proxy, add the appropriate settings in the
>   preferences and restart Eclipse.
> * In the bottom right corner you can find the 'Yoxos Notification' window; by
> clicking on 'Workspace Provisioning update pending' you can start the
> workspace provisioning which configures Checkstyle, Mylyn, many preferences
> settings (Java compiler warnings, etc.) and pulls the complete code from SVN
> and CVS repositories.
>   NOTE 1: Before the provisioning process checks out the projects from CVS,
>   you will be asked for your username and password. Enter your user
>   credentials (or 'anoncvs' as username).
>   NOTE 2: Subversion: This package contains Subversive with two different
>  connectors. By default it uses SVNKit 1.1.7, but some other SVN command
>  line tools of your operating system may require a newer version (e.g.
>  Debian). In that case you can switch to SVNKit 1.2.0 in the preferences.
> * Re-enable the automatic build [Projects|Build Automatically] after your new
> workspace has been created.
> As a result you end up with a completely separate 3.4/Ganymede based g-Eclipse
> development environment and your old installation remains untouched. Check
> your new eclipse.ini file and compare it with your old one - maybe you need
> special JVM or memory settings on your computer.
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