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AW: [geclipse-dev] switching to Ganymede / Eclipse 3.4

I went through the process. Accidenly I gave a wrong username for the CVS but was not allowed to correct it. So I canceled the process at this point and checked out the CVS plug-ins manually. 

Now I have red crosses in:

1. Org.jets3t (MANIFEST.MF: unsatisfied version conflict org.apache.commons.logging;bundle-version="1.1.1")

2. eu.geclipse.traceview.debug.listeners: BreakpointListener

3. eu.geclise.glite / efs.srm:  javax.xml.rpc, javax.xml.soap, org.apache.commons.discovery can not be resolved

4. test.framework.examples:  org.apache.axis can not be resolved

Has anybody the same problem?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: geclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:geclipse-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Markus Knauer
Gesendet: Montag, 18. August 2008 22:32
An: 'Developer mailing list'
Betreff: [geclipse-dev] switching to Ganymede / Eclipse 3.4

Status of the switch:

* Nightly build is driven by Eclipse 3.4, but it still compiles against a 3.3/Europa target - this is one of the remaining steps.

* EPP packages are built against Eclipse 3.4 / Ganymede from now on; they are building but I expect some minor issues.

* I created two Yoxos profiles to make the switch to 3.4/Ganymede as easy as possible. Maybe there are some volunteers out there who want to give it a try and send me some feedback about it before everybody switches to 3.4/Ganymede. 
Maybe we can discuss this in the call tomorrow.

%< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yoxos profiles:

* Open Yoxos-on-Demand
  ** Committers with write access to the repository choose in the
     plug-in explorer:
     [Public Profiles|Eclipse Contributors|g-Eclipse Development (committer)]
     direct link:

  ** Contributors without write access to SVN at choose
     [Public Profiles|Eclipse Contributors|g-Eclipse Development]
     direct link:

* Start download and unzip the archive

* Start Eclipse and (*IMPORTANT*) create a new workspace

  NOTE: If you are behind a proxy, add the appropriate settings in the
  preferences and restart Eclipse.

* In the bottom right corner you can find the 'Yoxos Notification' window; by clicking on 'Workspace Provisioning update pending' you can start the workspace provisioning which configures Checkstyle, Mylyn, many preferences settings (Java compiler warnings, etc.) and pulls the complete code from SVN and CVS repositories.

  NOTE 1: Before the provisioning process checks out the projects from CVS,
  you will be asked for your username and password. Enter your user
  credentials (or 'anoncvs' as username).

  NOTE 2: Subversion: This package contains Subversive with two different
  connectors. By default it uses SVNKit 1.1.7, but some other SVN command
  line tools of your operating system may require a newer version (e.g. 
  Debian). In that case you can switch to SVNKit 1.2.0 in the preferences.

* Re-enable the automatic build [Projects|Build Automatically] after your new workspace has been created.

As a result you end up with a completely separate 3.4/Ganymede based g-Eclipse development environment and your old installation remains untouched. Check your new eclipse.ini file and compare it with your old one - maybe you need special JVM or memory settings on your computer.
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