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Re: [europa-build-workshop] Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] RSS Feeds And The Projects What Use 'Em

My theory was that copying the files around (from the project sites to the Europa site) wasn't a large bandwidth or cpu waste, so I'd just take the easy solution of re-spinning each time any of the projects did a build. You're right that it would re-spin often and redundantly due to the dependencies, but it's a choice of wasting cpu cycles to do the re-spins versus using our (collective) brain power to keep all those dependencies straight.

I can imagine some slightly cleverer solutions such as using the dependency information in RSS feeds to keep an internal dependency tree up to date and then only re-spinning when all the upstream components have changed or queuing the changes with a time delay to try to cover more of the projects. Both of these would result in less spinning, but they would also delay "the build is broken" feedback to the projects. Wishy-washy, tradeoff, ...? My goal for this is to provide early feedback to the projects that the master unified build (the gathering of all the jars and features into a single Europa) is working or broken rather than trying to create an actual working download - the working download requires waiting for all the +2s and +3s and getting an ok from each project, etc.

Beyond the design aspects of this, I'm interested in how easy it will
be for you to collect

    check the RSS feed
    if there is a new build then $something_changed = true
I was going to do the easy solution: cache the previous RSS feed result for each project. Fetch the current one. Diff.
Additionally, do you plan to implement a type of hierarchical
Again, going with the philosophy of trading off more cpu cycles for less thinking, no, I wasn't planning on that.

- Bjorn

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