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Re: [ercp-dev] Vote on eSWT Core spec change

Yes, please remove.

Jim Robbins
IBM AIM Solutions Development, Austin, Texas
(512) 838 9495

Mark Rogalski/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: ercp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

08/22/2005 01:53 PM

Please respond to
eRCP project developer discussions

[ercp-dev] Vote on eSWT Core spec change

We would like to severely limit changes to the eSWT spec; however, recently a request was made to remove an API in Core. Here is the information from Lynne Kues:

After some discussion, I propose removing the Shell.setMinimumSize API from
the eSWT Core spec.

General feedback on this API is that it does not really apply to embedded
devices, since most times windows are in full screen mode.

What prompted discussion about the API is its behavior in SWT.  The minimum
size is not enforced when resizing a window.  The only thing the API does,
besides validate the value (i.e., ensure minimum size >= allowed minimum
size for a Shell) and store it, is resize the window when the API is called
and the new minimum size is larger than the current size of the receiver.


This API has several parameter permutations and I don't need to remind everyone that each method adds to our binary size. Please respond to this note with "yes" to remove the methods or "no" to keep them. Thanks.

ercp-dev mailing list

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