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Re: [equinox-dev] Access to com.sun.crypto.provider packages

Do you know if the com.sun.crypto.provider package is actually available on
the boot class path?  If it is available on the extension class loader from
the VM then that may be the cause since Equinox only uses the boot class
loader by default.


| From:      |
  |Ben Abernathy <ben.abernathy@xxxxxxxxx>                                                                                                           |
| To:        |
  |equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx,                                                                                                                          |
| Date:      |
  |02/23/2012 09:09 AM                                                                                                                               |
| Subject:   |
  |[equinox-dev] Access to com.sun.crypto.provider packages                                                                                          |

I am trying to integrate some pre-existing code that relies on the
com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE class into our Equinox based
application (version 3.7.1). Now I know by default the com.sun
packages are not accessible to bundles, so I made a fragment with the
idea of extending the framework to export the package. Here is its

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Extension
Bundle-SymbolicName: extension
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Fragment-Host: system.bundle; extension:=framework
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6
Export-Package: com.sun.crypto.provider

Clue 1: The PDE marks the Export-Package line and says that
com.sun.crypto.provider does not exist in this plugin.

I created a sample bundle that just instantiates the class in question
in the bundle activator. That bundle's manifest is:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Cryptotest
Bundle-SymbolicName: cryptotest
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-Activator: cryptotest.Activator
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6
Import-Package: com.sun.crypto.provider,

Clue 2:  The PDE marks the instantiation with an access restriction.

Despite the two errors, the project does compile and I am able to
start debugging. When starting the sample bundle, I receive a class
not found exception (see attached txt file for the complete stack
trace). However, when I do a "packages 0" in the console, it appears
Equinox is claiming to export this package:

version="0.0.0"<org.eclipse.osgi_3.7.1.R37x_v20110808-1106 [0]>
  cryptotest_1.0.0.qualifier [2] imports

Could somebody please provide some insight into what's going on? Is
there something obvious I am missing? I can provide a minimal set of
projects if need be.

Thank you,

[attachment "cnf_exception.txt" deleted by Thomas Watson/Austin/IBM]
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