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[equinox-dev] Setting an Equinox-based Development Environment

I am starting working with Equinox as a basis to build my bundles. I have followed these steps to start working:

1) Downloaded latest Equinox SDK (cfr. 3.2.1)
2) Unzipped it into a folder (Ex: c:\pc\myproject)
3) Launched Eclipse
4) Under Preferences->Plugin-Development->Target Platform I changed location to c:\pc\myproject. At this point Eclipse Plugin Development is ready to work with downloaded equinox jars
5) Create a new Plugin-Project (ex. mybundle). Now Eclipse doesn't find dependencies in Eclipse Directory (ex. c:\programfiles\eclipse) but using provided target directory (c:\pc\myproject)

Now I can develop new bundles using Eclipse basing development on a specific equinox version which is not version provided by eclipse development environment.

Question: is there a way to inspect what services does a bundle provide? (Ex. bundle xxx exports serviceA, serviceB, serviceC).


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