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Re: [epp-dev] Galileo Build Status

Awesome.  I'm very pleased to see this evolution.  some comments/suggestions

Markus Knauer wrote:
Hi *,

(4) All packages are building, but... okay, while the package quality with the p2 based approach should be higher, there is one known regression compared to the old Ganymede packages: They are all starting with the Resource Perspective and with the standard JVM settings. I need to figure out how to solve this in a p2-compatible and easy way. Comments and ideas are welcome!
This likely related to the "product" that is being installed. Each package should be a product with its own settings etc. These typically can be copies of the base one with more features and different config/laucher args. In the new product files you should be able to describe pretty much everything with no need for config.inis etc.

(5) p2 makes EPP really simple. And that's what I like it to be. EPP creates another metadata repository and uses this together with the Galileo repo and the Eclipse Platform repo to build a package. Everyone can do that on his/her own computer. But what happens to those ominous EPP configuration files that were used in the past by the package maintainers? I'd like to get rid of them but those files are consumed by the Eclipse website which generates websites from them. My idea is that a package maintainer states in a bug report which installable units should go into the package and we (EPP) are looking for a way to create the necessary information for the website. It depends on the webmasters if we (EPP) recreate such old xml config files or if we can find another easier way to create the web pages.
Consider having package maintainers develop and contribute .product files. The EPP team would vet these for consistency in the arguments etc and then simply deploy them as you have described. To generate the website data, whatever it is, we can put something together that looks at the metadata and extracts the info. If that info is not directly extractable then perhaps the website info is more of a description and just needs to be hand crafted?
Comments? I will try to document it in the wiki during the next few days.

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