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[epp-dev] Re: [] Eclipse project announcement


Thank you for the detailed response. It sounds as if we are looking at similar aspects of the same problem and I agree with the areas you've listed though I do believe there is one more case that can be solved at the same time with about the same work level.

The two key areas you listed were:

- offer the possibility to alter the predefined packages on the fly
with other content from the Ganymede update site based on a simple to
use web based wizard
- provide a mechanism to forward a users selection of plugins to a
commercial site that is offering additional components

Another important area is:

- offer the ability to download a project's software from the project page and feed into a dynamic download flow like you discuss (aka a shopping cart model)

The problematic model I was looking at is:

1. User googles some interesting technology they read about, say EclipseLink
2. User clicks the Download page of EclipseLink
3. User is presented with a 5 MB zip file and no easy way to get started with it 4 and on. A bunch of steps involving finding how to add it to Eclipse, extracting, etc.

An optimized model would be:

1. User googles EclipseLink
2. User goes to Download and clicks an Add to My Download button
3. A shopping cart summary shows on the right side of the page
4. User clicks Download in the shopping cart (or wants another project and repeats 1-3) 5. Download Page walks user through wizard for retrieving software with other base profile, or linking over to partner site

Whether the "shopping cart" is built before or after choosing a base profile, the base concept is the same -- that users need the ability to easily select the components that they want to install. My concern with the wizard after the fact, while necessary for some users, is that many people don't want to walk through a complex flow to find EclipseLink, instead, they google, take the first hit, and then want to get started. Whether a project's page lists an update site or a Zip file (or both), getting that up and going in an Eclipse install can be anything but an easy project.


Separately, have you had an opportunity to consider some of the other questions I raised previously? Also, would you mind providing an update on the status of the work and where/how to get involved?


On Jul 1, 2008, at 4:44 AM, Jochen Krause wrote:

Hi Tim,

Sorry for taking so long to answer, but Ganymede kept us very busy and
the work on this stuff was paused.

We are certainly open to discuss where this is heading. Before
commenting on your points I would like to describe once more the key
drivers and intentions for this project.

At the moment we do not have any integration between open source
software from Eclipse and commercial offerings from the larger
Eco-System. This is unfortunate, as it both does not serve our end users
nor our commercial community. It is however not easy to provide
mechanism for achieving a better integration that meets all of our
constraints: Eclipse can not be in the distribution business (for legal
and ecosystem reasons) - Eclipse can not distribute commercial
offerings, we don't want to "threaten" our end users with too much
commercialisation, we want to provide a better our of the box experience for Eclipse, which means that you need to be able to combine the things
you need.

The joined releases and EPP with the standard packages have improved the situation for the open source side, and we are now planning to build on
top of that. We have two things on our mind:

- offer the possibility to alter the predefined packages on the fly
with other content from the Ganymede update site based on a simple to
use web based wizard
- provide a mechanism to forward a users selection of plugins to a
commercial site that is offering additional components

Two brief examples:
You select the Java development package as your starting point and add
C/C++ to it. Then you either download the p2 installer that downloads
your selection or you start the p2 installer with webstart.

After having selected the Java development package and added Datatools
you get to the page where you can start the download, but you see an
"advertisement" that catches your eye for adding MySQL to your download.
You click the advertisement and get to the vendors site. The vendor
receives your plugin selection and can offer the user to add more stuff
to his download. The vendor will provide the ultimate download,
hopefully taking advantage of p2.

Does that make the picture clearer?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Webb [mailto:trwebb@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Timothy Webb
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 9:43 PM
To: mitch.sonies@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; jeff@xxxxxxxxx; Markus Knauer; Jochen
Cc: Eclipse Management Organization; epp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [] Eclipse project announcement

Markus, Jochen, Jeff & Mitch,

Congratulations on stepping forward to create a new work area focusing
on enhancing the configuration, download and installation experience for
Eclipse technology users.

As I read this email, I can imagine a new widget available on all of the
Eclipse project pages that works like a shopping cart ("Add TPTP
Profiling to cart").  When you are done choosing interesting software,
you can then click a Finish button in the cart summary which would allow
downloading the software from directly or hand-off to any
participating ecosystem partner for further configuration and download.
Whatever the ultimate solution, I'm excited about us having a
lightweight, scalable add-on to the current Eclipse portal which
provides great value to end users of Eclipse technology and flows within
the existing site's usage patterns.

Stepping back, I see two areas of work potentially described -- one is
the creation of an exemplary implementation and extensible platform
created to solve the generic provisioning problem of choosing from lots of Eclipse software accessible from the web in general. This first bit
of work is analogous to a multi-site "shopping cart" for Eclipse
software.  Secondly, I see a area which is the selection of a solution
that helps address the specific problems of which might have
a different objective and may or may not use the same solution.  While
these areas are related, I see them as distinct problems for which
multiple solutions are possible.

Given the visibility and importance of changes to, I would
like to propose we separate out the technology solution and
create a new technology project that will focus on delivering a near
term solution for the current download complexities at Eclipse.  As
could be inferred from the EPP component proposal, the solution would
likely leverage a p2-based installer with web integration into the
existing Eclipse portal and provide a way for users to more easily
access software whether by using a direct downloaded installer from or choosing to switch over to a partner site as proposed for
the new EPP component.

We are also excited about becoming actively involved to help with this


On Jun 2, 2008, at 7:44 PM, Anne Jacko wrote:

	The Eclipse Packaging Project (EPP) is announcing a new
component -- please see below. Thanks.


	The dynamic package delivery component provides an extensible
framework for,
	and an exemplary implementation of, a service for dynamically
selecting and
	downloading/installing installable units.

	This component will be extensible and open in that it will
enable multiple
	websites to participate in the user selection of installable
units (in
	sequential order, i.e., the selections from one site are
forwarded to the
	next and so on until the user chooses to download and install
the selection).
	The Eclipse Foundation intends to use the exemplary
implementation at to create a better user and member experience for

	Markus Knauer
	Jochen Krause
	Jeff McAffer
	Mitch Sonies


	Anne Jacko

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