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[epf-dev] How to customize a task
  • From: Matthieu IGAU <Matthieu_IGAU@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 07:35:15 +0000
  • Accept-language: fr-FR, en-US
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  • Thread-topic: How to customize a task


I'm writing you because I'm trying to describe a process using EPF but I don't know how to manage something.
I'd like to describe the process which seems quite easy using tasks, capability patterns and delivery processes from the SPEM metamodel.
The point is that I'd like also to describe how to apply this process in the tools I use and the guidances are a bit limited because the process being tool agnostic a task is not linked to a unique guidance. For example if a task is linked to several tool mentors it is not possible to clearly define which one should be done first etc. A solution could be to use a Guideline artefact to describe all of that but the goal of using EPF was for me to avoid this kind of big guidelines which are not really read then...
I saw that it doesn't seem possible to customize the metamodel, creating new elements by heritage for example, so I'm wondering if it could be possible to have a section to customize icons for tasks and capability patterns? It could allow to use tasks and workflow diagrams of capability patterns to explain what shoud be done in the tool with a way to identify each of them at the first sight.



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