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[epf-dev] Réf : Re: Bug with EPFC composer

Hello Matt,

You gave us the elements to resolve the issue.

Thank you very much!

I wish you a beautiful summer


Alexandra TRUFFERT

Nice/Projet CAgile/Chantier Outillage

Crédit Agricole Technologies

Site : Maurin
Tel : 04 67 17 22 94
E-mail :
mailto: alexandra.truffert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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"Austin, Matthew" <Matthew.austin@xxxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé par : epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/07/2011 10:03

Veuillez répondre à
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List        <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List" <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [epf-dev] Bug with EPFC composer

Hello Alexandra,
I recently encountered a similar issue. Although we've never deployed onto Windows, we did deploy a .WAR on Linux using Tomcat. We had two issues at separate times - on one occasion we found that no search results were returned, and on another that the hyperlinks in the search results did not contain correct URLs.
The way we got around both was essentially to use Apache HTTP redirects, including a re-write rule. We also had to make sure our server's hosts file contained the DNS address of our website.
All this conspired to make sure the search was forming URLs correctly and hence returning results.
I believe there may be something deeper in the _javascript_s that will be a bit more rigorous, but I'm afraid I'm not sure what. For information, the virtual host in the httpd.conf file we ended up using looked somthing like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName foo

ServerAlias bar

DocumentRoot "/apps/httpd/htdocs/foo"

ErrorLog "logs/foo-error_log"

TransferLog "logs/foo-access_log"

ProxyPass / http://server01:5502/war-dir/

ProxyPassReverse / http://server01:5502/war-dir/

# Force any requests to /war-dir back to /

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^/war-dir/(.*) /$1 [R]


Where war-dir is the name of the extracted web archive.
I hope you find this useful! FYI the log I used to see what was going on was catalina.out in the Tomcat logs/ sub-directory.

From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Alexandra TRUFFERT
05 July 2011 17:23
[epf-dev] Bug with EPFC composer


I'm working on a web site generated by EPFC.

When the .WAR is deployed on a TOMCAT/windows server, the web site search engine returns results,

but when the .WAR (exactly the same .WAR) is deployed on a TOMCAT/linux server, the web site search engine doesn't return anything.

Can you help me ?

Is that a way to activate a log to find where the error is ?

Thank you in advance for your response


Alexandra TRUFFERT

Nice/Projet CAgile/Chantier Outillage

Crédit Agricole Technologies

Site : Maurin
Tel : 04 67 17 22 94
E-mail :
mailto: alexandra.truffert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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