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[epf-dev] EPF Content - Status call (meeting notes)

EPF Content - Status call
Date: 06/11/08

Steve Adolph
Ricardo Balduino
Ken Clyne
Jim Ruehlin
Bruce MacIsaac


Practices Status:

EA and ED practices - meeting last week cancelled due to RSDC
Ana absent, but sent PM status to epf-dev
Mark absent, reported on no substantive progress on architecture practice

Other Topics:

Steve started with a new client (who is going to agile), and he's using EPF framework as process improvement process. Using the agile kernel (practices) as a framework to drive their decision process from there - minimum practices they need to embrace to consider agile, so they can grow from there. They have a committee to start new process in the organization

A face-to-face meeting may be needed in July to accelerate and wrap up things for this release and plan for the next (big vision)
Steve suggested people to meet at the Agile conference in Toronto (before or after the conference?)
Good way to invite people from the conference if it happens right after (Rally might join)
Does IBM have a booth there so we can use for advertisement of practices?
Steve thinking about proposing an "Open Space" informal session during the conference to discuss practices and agile kernel

Steve feels we're not going to make the August release date on the current pace
Jim stated there's not an overwhelming amount of work - most is cleaning up, which sets the base for more significant work coming on next releases
Steve stated we are missing collateral to explain what the agile kernel is.

Ken and Ricardo talked about how to move forward with the Scrum plug-in contribution


Steve will post his previous customer (full-) paper to epf-dev and will create a shorter version
Ricardo to ask if IBM has a booth there and check with Per if he and Scott will be at the agile conference and would like to have this meeting
Ricardo to send a note to epf-dev inquiring if people would attend this meeting
Ken to ask Nate about status of Rapid Testing and plans to deliver this practice
Ricardo to publish Practices at the end of the month and ask for feedback on the epf-dev and newsgroup (at least Intro pages for each practice need to be done)
Steve will use notes he's taking with customer to create a short paper
Ricardo will send Ken the info needed to fill out contribution questionnaire and interact with Eclipse legal



Ricardo Balduino

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