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Re: [epf-dev] Wednesday Release Planning Call

I just want to say some words to collaborate :-)
Here in Brazil, i see people leaving college with no knowledge of software development process, but they want to learn a process that gives them a way to do their job.
IMHO, i think if we give to community, complete examples(cases) of the process with all artifacts filled and linked/related with tasks that generate it, something like a reverse approach to the normal way of using a process, it will be easier to learn the process because they will have concrete things on hand, that could be adapted to their reality.
hope this help,
Paulo Moreira
PS: Perhaps some kind of survey can help to catch the community desire.

Steve Adolph <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:
Hello everyone:
After last week’s call, I was thinking more about what I believe is necessary to include in  the next release of OpenUP. In my opinion a methodology does not survive and prosper based on its own merits, it survives because there is a community. IMHO, XP and Scrum have taken off because they are easy to get started with (although the ease of getting started does not necessarily imply ease of use), they have charismatic champions telling their audience what the audience wants to hear. There is a wide range of supporting material including books and courses to help people get started with these methods. If OpenUP is to survive and find its place in the hearts and minds of developers then we need to focus on capturing people’s imaginations. In this era of 10 second sound bites we need to do that quickly. I would like to propose the following activities for general and overarching issues:
1)      We need an OpenUP course – or more to the point, course material we can spin into a half day tutorial or re-spin into a two day “hands on” workshop. Something that not only introduced OpenUP but iterative development. A possible course title is “Iterative Development with OpenUP”.
2)      I think we need a version of OpenUP that is less intimidating than the version we have at the moment. OpenUP is suppose to be for small teams yet it has the appearance of a voluminous and complex process. What if we created some kind of “abridged” version that reduced the cognitive load on the early adopters?  This version would not be maintained as part of the composer. Rather, it would be more like a cheat sheet that simply captured the essence, phase,  iterations, work item list, focus on architecture, risk management.  A version that if a person took a half day OpenUP tutorial they had  at least a chance of making a positive change using OpenUP.
3)      I also believe we need to strongly encourage and support translation efforts. I know there was some interest in creating a Russian translation of OpenUP,  but I do not know what has happened since.
4)      A book? I was intrigued by the suggestion of creating a “red book”. I don’t know if I can physically sequester myself with a writing team, but I am willing to wager that we have enough material between us to create a simple book. Perhaps “Post Agile Development with OpenUP”
These are just some thoughts I had for tomorrow’s call. Look forward to chatting with you all…
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