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[epf-dev] Draft Agenda for OpenUP/Basic Content Face-to-face



Here is a draft agenda for the meeting scheduled for next week in the Washington, DC area for OpenUP/Basic contributors and committers.  This is a set of bullets from some early communication on the subject.  Please feel free to suggest coverage of anything additional or remark on these items.  I have listed these in order of importance from my perspective; please feel free to argue the order.


First though, can the people participating in the meeting please respond to me and let me know when you will be arriving into the DC area and when you will be departing?


Reviewing Content

-          We need to get a handle on our process for reviewing content and getting elements ready for inclusion into the 1.0 release of OpenUP/Basic.

-          We should do a detailed walkthrough of content guidance so all key players are prepared for reviews.

-          I consider this to be of primary importance and sessions spent actually reviewing content could be the best use of our time when competing on the agenda with items listed below.


Process architecture

-          Per Kroll has suggested some new perspectives on how the process can be organized and communicated.  We need to discuss these to see if there is concurrence on these ideas and then we need to figure out how much of this should impact version 1.0, how much of it will affect the process content in the future, and how much of it is solely about presenting the content.


Content Authoring Project Management

-          We need to visit our status/burndown mechanisms to make sure we all have a clear vision of what is being measured and how.  Getting all the committers on board with how we are doing this is important.


Plan moving forward

-          We need to commit to responsibilities and a plan moving forward.  We have a good plan at the iterations objectives level, but it will be valuable to revisit the distribution of remaining workload and the resources available.

-          Though we won’t want this to be rushed, it could be our final session so that the discussion can include the results of the other items of note here.



-          We need to get a status update of what has been going on with community outreach and discuss additional plans for the future.


Look and Feel

-          We should revisit the look-and-feel and the organization of the content as published.  This topic should be after the process architecture discussion.


Package-related topics

-          We could probably pick a few topics relating to certain packages that are worth some discussion with the group.  Have the overarching content elements stabilized? Are the PM artifacts stabilized?


Tool feature requests

-          We can brainstorm on issues with the tool, underlying repository, or the underlying meta-model that have been issues as we have been authoring content.


Organizing for Extensibility

-          We can discuss how the process is organized for extensibility.  Perhaps we could strawman a guide for authors of plug-ins.  Perhaps this will relate to tool feature requests.  It could lead to plans for minor re-organization in a future release to better allow techniques to be extended or swapped out.


I’ll send out an agenda Monday or Tuesday with the elements put in a schedule for how we will spend the two days.  See you in my town!


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