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[epf-dev] Re-positioning and re-architecting OpenUP proposal


those of you interested in OpenUP may want look at and comment on

It is a reasonably detailed proposal for how to reposition and rearchitect OpenUP. The beginning of the proposal is copied below:
I discussed it with many people last with at Agile 2006, and those shoudl have credit for helping improve the proposal.

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I have done repeated attempts over the last few weeks to produce a simple, appealing presentation of OpenUP, failing each time. So, I decided to take a fresh attempt to present OpenUP in a very simple fashion, but for my story to work, I had to do some re-architecting of OpenUP. Also, I feel that there is not sufficient innovation in OpenUP, so I took the opportunity to suggest some fresh thinking. This document outlines the new storyline, the benefits of this architecture, and lists the significant changes that I felt I needed to do to current structure. I think that this type of restructuring is required for us to be able to present a simple, yet appealing process for launch in September. Also, I think that all of these changes can be done in a very short timeframe.

This proposal has been augmented over the last week through discussions with among others Brian Lyons, Jim Ruehlin, Chris Armstrong, John Smith, Kurt Bittner, Bruce MacIsaac, Ricardo Balduino, Philippe  Kruchten, and Steve Adolph.

High-level Story

OpenUP consists of 3 sub-processes:
A sub-process for Management
A sub-process for Intent Management (name TBD)
A sub-process for Development.

The sub-processes integrates nicely into a cohesive process, but can be easily updated to reflect different approaches to Management, Intent Management, and Development. These 3 sub-processes rest on a layer of collaboration, see Figure 1, to reflect the true collaborative nature of OpenUP, and to make sure that the 3 sub-processes integrates into a cohesive whole.

<<Figure removed>

Each sub-process is packaged as a separate plug-in, making it easy to swap out, for example, one variant of Development to another approach to Development. For the sub-processes to be tightly integrated there needs to be some glue. There are two central artifacts that exist in each sub-process; A Vision and a Work Item List. The Vision ensures that the work in each sub-process is centered on a shared understanding of what to produce, and Work Item List is the intersection between requirements, their implementation, and management of the work. Also, Test Case, and potentially Test Data is shared between Intent Mgmt and Development, and Test Log is shared between Management and Development. No tasks or guidelines are shared between the sub-processes, but all roles are shared.

Each of these sub-processes, as well as the collaboration layer, is supported by a Principle guiding the work for that sub-process, and each Principle is also supported by a series of more detailed Practices. Principles and Practices may also be relevant for the other sub-processes. The mapping is as follows:
Management – Evolve to continuously obtain feedback and improve.
Intent Management – Balance competing priorities to maximize stakeholder value.
Development – Focus on articulating the architecture.
Collaboration – Collaborate to align interests and share understanding.

Each of the sub-processes and the collaboration layer also supports a statement in the Agile Manifesto:
Management – Responding to change over following a plan
Intent Management – Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Development – Working software over comprehensive documentation
Collaborate – Individuals and interactions over process and tools

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Per Kroll
STSM, Manager Methods: RUP / RMC
Project Lead: Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software, IBM Corp

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