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RE: [epf-dev] MDD Plug-in current status

If I get enough feedback I will be willing to lead the session, my only
restriction is that I will be there only the 19th and 20th. 

Best regards:


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:Mark.Dickson@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: martes, 23 de mayo de 2006 17:31
To: Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Subject: Re: [epf-dev] MDD Plug-in current status

Hi Jason
Just to let you know, several of us at the Vancouver meeting took an
action to look at the MDA plugin, so hopefully you'll start to get some
feedback soon.
It seems natural to put the plugin on the agenda for presentation and
discussion at the UK meeting. Would you be willing to lead a session on
Mark Dickson
SE&E Practice
0780 1917480

----- Original Message -----
From: epf-dev-bounces
Sent: 23/05/2006 09:07
To: "Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List"
Subject: [epf-dev] MDD Plug-in current status

I am writing to actually get people reviewing or else looking at the MDD
Plug-in that ESI published within the EPF project last 27 of March
So far we have received no comments to the plug-in, actually I
understood that Hank from Cap-Gemini could be interested in providing
their knowledge in adopting MDD and said you could be interested in
providing another MDD plug-in. Hank any further news in this sense? Are
you still considering in taking a look at our Plug-in, are you working
on yours? Will you participate in the UK meeting?
At the same IBM was interested in taking a look at the plug-in. Is IBM
still interested? Who will be the main contact for this?
My main concern at this point is whether there are enough people
currently interested in the MDD plug-in and then arrange a Telco, video
call or F2F meeting (UK) in order to address any comments that may have
been identified. But for doing so someone must have been reviewing the
MDD plug-in in order to improve, evolve and update it based on other
peoples view. 

Any thoughts around this?
Best regards:

Jason Xabier Mansell

Research and Development Area
European Software Institute (ESI)
Tel.: + 34.94 420 9519 
Fax: + 34.94 420 9420         E-mail: info@xxxxxx 

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