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Re: [epf-dev] Looking for SPEM2 supporters

Hello Don.
It is not my tool.  It is the EPF Composer, which is our tool.  In the meeting in Atlanta we agreed that it would be good for the EPF project to align with a SPEM 2.0 specification, but it is not necessary.  Getting support by the EPF Committers team would make a statement that this specification is pointing in the same direction EPF is going as we are all working on improvements together now.

Thanks and best regards,
Peter Haumer.


Rational Software | IBM Software Group
PETER HAUMER, Dr. rer. nat.
RUP Development, Cupertino, CA
Tel/Fax: +1 408 863-8716

Donald Firesmith <dgf@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

04/17/2006 06:14

Please respond to
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [epf-dev] Looking for SPEM2 supporters

You write "However, in a new development companies who seem to be negatively impacted by a successful EPF project  (emphasis mine) come forward and want to start their own specification work."

In my reading of their emails, I have heard them give other arguments for their lack of support for all of the current SPEM submission.  You have made a rather strong negative accusation as to their motives, while at the same time, some (but not me  :-) ) might be tempted to wonder if your unwavering support for the current version of SPEM and epf might be because it is so closely tied to your tool.  Do you have any evidence that their wish to modify SPEM is related to their wanting to minimize its impact on their tool as opposed to being based on their desire to improve SPEM and epf?  If not, I would suggest that we all not cast aspersions on other peoples' motives, but rather stick to the technical and practical pros and cons of the standard and project.  After all, any problems not fixed now are highly likely to be with us for quite some time, as evidenced by such things as UML's approach to aggregation.   ;-)
Don Firesmith
Chair of OPFRO

Peter Haumer wrote:


I am presenting our latest SPEM 2.0 submission (get the document at to the OMG on April 26th at the OMG meeting in St. Louis.

This specification is very close to the meta-model that we implemented for EPF Composer.  However, it also already incorporates some of the changes and future directions that we discussed in Atlanta (e.g. around the modeling of Tools), simplifies the usage of categories having no standard ones, but allowing modelers to define their own, additional associations for Activities to allow process without method content, etc.  

As we discussed in Atlanta, EPF might go into different directions in the future, but it would be good for EPF to state that is currently based on an OMG specification.  In that respect, it would be very helpful to our submission if most companies working in EPF would actually officially support it.  

I have not asked this before, because the submission process seemed to go smoothly and this submission was intended to be the final one.  However, in a new development companies who seem to be negatively impacted by a successful EPF project come forward and want to start their own specification work.  This initiative is started by Osellus and Fujitsu.  They claim support from Microsoft and Sun.  Thus, it would be good if we could add your names on our side as supporters.  

Thank you so much for your positive or negative reply by Thursday 20th.

Thanks and best regards,
Peter Haumer.


Rational Software | IBM Software Group
PETER HAUMER, Dr. rer. nat.
RUP Development, Cupertino, CA
Tel/Fax: +1 408 863-8716

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