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[emft-dev] Expired stale committer elections

Committer elections for the following people have been stale for (in some case) over a year. Given the lack of activity on these elections, I concluded that they were never going to be completed (in each case, they lacked the final legal paperwork) and thus they have been "expired". You are welcome to start a new election for any of these people if they are still interested in becoming Eclipse committers.

simon bates       
david bolter      
John Crandall     
Genesis Deiparine 
Loic Descotte     
Philip Dodds      
Carsten Drossel
Andreas Ecker   
torbjorn ekman    
steve faulkner    
Glen Gonzales     
Clemens Kadura    
Jonas Lim         
Erle Mantos       
Jenny Monesson    
Maria Odea Ching  
will pearson      
Cata Pineda       
Leonard Richardson
Eric Rose         
i.v. ramakrishnan 
Martin Simmonds   
Brian Walker      

Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Director, Committer Community
Eclipse Foundation

voice:  971-327-7323 (Pacific Time)
email:  bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx

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