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Re: [emft-dev] Proposal for EMF4Net Component



On Nov 29, 2007 10:30 PM, Ed Merks <merks@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Extended EMF Community,

Reinhold Bihler recently announced his intent to work on an EMF4Net
component for supporting C# code generation as well as EMF core runtime for
C#.   His proposal in on Eclipse's wiki:

I request the community's approval to create this new component as part of
the EMFT subproject with Reinhold as component lead and Deyan Rizov and
Manfred Böttger as team members.  Please reply with +1or -1 on this thread.
Obviously I recommend you give a +1.  All EMF and EMFT committers are
eligible to vote, so please take a moment to do so.

Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
905-413-3265  (t/l 313)

emft-dev mailing list

Freddy Allilaire - ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA)
UFR des Sciences et Techniques - Nantes
2, rue de la Houssinière - 44322 Nantes cedex   3 - France
tel. +33 2 51 12 58 10 - fax. +33 2 51 12 58 12
e.mail: freddy.allilaire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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