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Re: [emft-dev] Proposal for Ecore Diagram Component



Ed Merks a écrit :
Extended EMF Community,

David Sciamma recently announced his intent to work on a component based on
GMF's Ecore grapical editor example as well as Topcased's productivity
features to provide a high quality Ecore Diagram Editor.   Attached is his

   (See attached file:

I request the community's approval to create this new component as part of
the EMFT subproject with David as component lead and Jacques Lescot and
Gilles Cannenterre as a members of the component team.  Please reply with
+1or -1 on this thread.  Obviously I highly recommend you give a +1.  All
EMF and EMFT committers are eligible to vote, so please take a moment to do

Graphical editing of Ecore!  Does it get any better?!

Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
905-413-3265  (t/l 969)

emft-dev mailing list

Freddy Allilaire - ATLAS Group (INRIA & LINA)
UFR des Sciences et Techniques - Nantes
2, rue de la Houssinière - 44322 Nantes cedex 3 - France
tel. +33 2 51 12 58 10 - fax. +33 2 51 12 58 12
e.mail: freddy.allilaire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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