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[emfindex-dev] Contributing the QVT Declarative Model Registry to EMF Index


Tool support for OCL or QVTc or QVTr must perform a two level model name resolution.

a) name to nominal URI
b) nominal URI to precise URI

In OCL a package context specifies a package name without specifying where that package may be located. In QVTc or QVTr a transformation references a meta-model name again without specifying where that meta-model may be located.

The (originally UMLX) QVT Declarative Model Registry supports a) and b) by prioviding a per-project set of registrations that are scoped by resources (File or IResource), allowing a user to provide registrations with project, folder or file granularity. Registrations are defined for a chosen Model Accessor namespace, so that Model Name registrations map from ad hoc name such as myUML to nominal URI such http://my.uml, and URI registrations map from nominal URI to precise URI e.g. platform://resources/myuml/model/uml.ecore.

The Model Name accessors are completely user defined.
The URI accessors enhance the built-in EPackage.Registry resolutions with user defined mappings for models that need not be reified as Java code.

The registry is persisted as an EMF model in .settings/org.eclipse.qvt.declarative.modelregistry
The GUI supports  maintenance of registrations  using a Property Page.
The API supports locating registrations and/or loading a resolution.

This functionality seems mostly complementary to EMF Index, so it seems desirable to revise the current Model Registry code so that it can be contributed to EMF Index. This will avoid migrating the QVT Declarative Model Registry to MDT OCL as would be required to support the migration of the OCL editor.

A fuller write up of the Model Registry with pictures may be found in the EclipseCon 2008 submission


      Ed Willink

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