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Re: [egit-dev] Commit and push button looks broken and annoying popup

On 04/14/2016 04:39 PM, Matthias Sohn wrote:
Many users didn't dare to use "Commit & Push" since they weren't sure what it exactly does.
The action now also respects which branch the local branch you are pushing is tracking.
So if the local branch tracks origin/stable-1.0 it will push to refs/for/stable-1.0.
Similarily if your upstream repository isn't Gerrit but another Git server then "Commit & Push"
will open the same dialog you get from "Push branch..." in the repositories view. Also this dialog
is respecting the tracking information of the local branch being pushed.
Great to know! I've been one of this users who were frightened of this Commit & Push button -as I am always in detached head and don't manage upstream configuration-. I didn't know it was improved. However, I believe adopting a "Commit & Push..." label with the 3 dots convention that's usual in menus would have allowed me to figure out that change by myself.

Cheers, and thanks for sharing that.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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