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[egit-dev] Having git config values in code templates


I hope this has not been asked before.

= Short version

What needs to be done to make [1] a part of eGit?

= Long version

The @author tag of JavaDoc supposed to contain some kind of commonly understandable identifier of the author(s) of the given Java file.

Developers often use their full name of a combination of the full name and e-mail address.

As a matter of fact, there is no full name variable available in Java Code templates that are used when creating new Java files. There is only ${user} that resolves to the current user's login on the local machine which often fails to serve as a generally understandable identifier of the author.

There is a couple of ways to workaround this (e.g. hand-edit the template, override java.user in eclipse.ini) but they are error prone and hard to enforce in team environments.

I recently stumbled accross eclipse-git-template-variables plugin [1] that simply makes the values from git config available in java code templates. This solves the above problem very elegantly. However, making a team dependent on a plugin developend by an individual sounds quite risky.
Therefore the question: What needs to be done to make [1] a part of eGit?

I am not the author of the plugin, I do not know its internals and I even have not tried of it works. But if there is a chance that it could be included in eGit, I am ready to help in some form.




Peter Palaga, Senior Sustaining Engineer, Red Hat JBoss Portal

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