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Re: [egit-dev] Missing tree/blob <hash> when trying to push


Am 15.10.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Alex Blewitt:
> FWIW we have seen these sporadically going back to old versions of
> Gerrit (in the Maven days) using the native git client to push. Re
> pushing the same hash from the client didn't work but rebasing the
> commit (which therefore changed the trees) did fix the issue. We were
> not able to reproduce the problem in a small enough repository that
> we could share. So it's a server side issue.
> I think we succeeded when pushing to the standby host (which used the
> same disk storage but with implicitly different server state cache)
> but I couldn't say for sure if this always worked. I wonder if the GC
> causes the caches to be cleared and so fixes the problem that way
> rather than being a repo data problem.
Interesting. Never linked it to the server, as the cmdline push worked.

I copied the repo to an OS user account and pushed via standard SSH ->
Push worked

I copied the repo over to our Gerrit instance -> Push worked

I executed a
    git reflog expire --expire=now --all
    git gc --aggressive --prune=now
on the Gitblit server, cleared cache and retried the push -> Didn't work

This time it was with EGit 3.6 nightly on the client side...

Another interesting twist in the situation ;)


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