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Re: [egit-dev] locking mechanism

Am 19.12.2013 um 11:11 schrieb Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxx>:
I don't use the commit dialog anymore since a long time, do we still need a second way to commit
behaving differently and non-git-ish ? 

Hmm, I think that boils down to the discussion of git-ish vs. usability.

I for one don’t use the staging view at all. I modify files in my workspace and commit, modify and commit, modify and commit, push. That’s it. Dealing with the git-ism is something I don’t want to care about.

On the same argument, I don’t get it, why I do have to perform every operation twice. Create a new file, add it to an index manually. Resolving a conflict and continuing rebase/merge, oh I forgot, I need to "add" a file to the index first. But hell, why? "add“ is add, so it’s the same action for adding files and for resolving conflicts? That’s a usability nightmare! This goes on with refactoring. I refactor my code, then I manually need to "rm" and "add" the class again, really?

With all due respect to the git enthusiasm and the git authors, but should EGit really duplicate all that (IMO) "shitty" usability?

Note, I’m heating up my points here. Please don’t start a flame war. Just trying to emphasize my personal view. I think it’s a tough goal to satisfy all users but should be a worth one. BTW, any auto-handling/magic done by hooks or in other areas could very well be made configurable to get a more pure command line feeling.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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