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Re: [egit-dev] not accepting passphrase

On 28/10/2013 06:11 AM, André Dietisheim wrote:
Hi Aniyan

I would do 3 things:

1) Go to the OSGI console (Ctrl + 3, Console, with the "v"-icon: select "Host OSGI console") and check what version's runnign in your Eclipse:
ss jsch
2) If it's not 0.1.50 that's running for you, I would add Eclipse Orbit (Help->Install new Software->Add and install 0.1.50 from there. Once installed verify again what jsch you're running.

Thanks a lot André. That works fine. Now I am able to push the source code to the central repo using the sshkeys.

I have the following doubts:
  1. Previously I was getting a Passphrase Dialog, which was a child window of the eclipse (inside the eclipse window). But now I am getting the usual Passphrase Dialog (outside the eclipse window), which use to appear when I do an ssh from the gnome-terminal. I don't understand why this happens.
  2. Before installing the jsch 0.1.5, the osgi console was showing:
osgi> ss jsch
Framework is launched.
id    State       Bundle
6    RESOLVED    com.jcraft.jsch_0.1.41.v200903070017
170    ACTIVE      org.eclipse.jsch.core_1.1.200.I20100505-1245
171    <<LAZY>>    org.eclipse.jsch.ui_1.1.300.I20100505-1245

But After installing jsch 0.1.5 as per your suggestion, the osgi console shows the old and the new jsch as follows:

osgi> ss jsch
Framework is launched.
id    State       Bundle
6    RESOLVED    com.jcraft.jsch_0.1.41.v200903070017
170    ACTIVE      org.eclipse.jsch.core_1.1.200.I20100505-1245
171    <<LAZY>>    org.eclipse.jsch.ui_1.1.300.I20100505-1245
386    RESOLVED    com.jcraft.jsch_0.1.50.v201310081430

Why the old one (0.1.41) is still there ?


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