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[egit-dev] I'm programmatically pushing but tracking branch doesnt get updated?


I'm having an issue where I push (a local clone which I committed to) to a remote and once I've done this I dont see the decorators (<arrow up>1) go away. They only disappear if I do an additional fetch (and cause the tracking branch to get updated?). EGit/PushWizard is working fine, no issue, it's just in my code where I create a PushOperation programmatically. I do something like this:

        Collection<URIish> pushURIs = getPushURIs(remoteConfig);
Collection<RefSpec> pushRefSpecs = createForceRefSpecs(force, getPushRefSpecs(remoteConfig)); PushOperationSpecification pushSpec = createPushSpec(pushURIs, pushRefSpecs, repository); PushOperation pushOperation = new PushOperation(repository, pushSpec, false, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);

I was wondering what I was missing. I checked for differences with PushWizard but couldn't spot any. I'd love if you could give me some pointer to the code that causes the remote tracking branch to get updated after the push.


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