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Re: [egit-dev] SWTBot tests

The one culprit is the use of sub-modules displayed in the git repositories view.

We use a SubmoduleWalk to create Repository instances. JGit will fully parse the repository in question (which includes opening channels towards any "pack" file), but that repository will never be cached in egit.core.Activator.repositoryCache.... which means that we'll never call "close()" on it, never releasing the locks on these pack files. WindowCache _does_ use WeakReferences for these locks... but these particular references cannot be cleared automatically by the GC: when a Repository is displayed in the Git repositories view, they are wrapped within a "RepositoryNode", these RepositoryNodes are cached themselves in org.eclipse.ui.internal.navigator.extensions.StructuredViewerManager.viewerDataMap by the Platform.... and this cache is a simple Map, that does not use weak references.

You can try by creating a new Repository from the Git Repositories view, right-click > add a sub-module. You'll have to make sure this sub-module contains a pack file (I used git repack after a commit). Once these conditions are met, you won't be able to delete that repository from the file system without closing Eclipse. (closing the Git repositories view is not sufficient.)

Four of the EGit swtbot tests use sub-modules and present this issue :
- org.eclipse.egit.ui.view.repositories.GitRepositoriesViewRepoDeletionTest.testDeleteSubmoduleRepository()
- the three tests within package org.eclipse.egit.ui.submodule

What would be the preferred approach: cache the Repository instances returned by SubmoduleWalk, or clear up the RepositoryNode when removing them from the Git Repository view?

All in all, I believe that WindowCache relying on the GC to get rid of the open file descriptors is quite a dangerous thing to do : we never know what could retain an instance of "org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository" in memory...


On 21/03/2013 13:18, Laurent Goubet wrote:
I can confirm that the failure is random, but when a pack file is held by the WindowCache, it is locked in that state and nothing seems to free it: if one deletion fails because of that lock, all will on that same file, whatever the number of tests that run in-between. Any test that tries and clear the test folder will fail with the same error.

Without your proposed change:

Running GitRepositoriesViewRepoHandlingTest.testSearchDirectoryWithBareRepos(), the test alone, it will never fail (out of ten runs).
Running GitRepositoriesViewRepoHandlingTest, all tests in the class, testSearchDirectoryWithBareRepos will fail at random (5 failures out of 6 runs).

With your proposed change, all tests of the class pass, out of 6 runs.

Since it seems like a success, I wanted to use the same kind of fix for every failure, but there are some less obvious, for example:

org.eclipse.egit.ui.view.repositories.GitRepositoriesViewRepoDeletionTest.testDeleteSubmoduleRepository() is particularly aimed at testing repository deletions. Further down the road, this test uses a org.eclipse.egit.ui.internal.repository.tree.command.RemoveCommand, which fails within deleteRepositoryContent(List<RepositoryNode>, boolean):

            FileUtils.RECURSIVE | FileUtils.RETRY
            | FileUtils.SKIP_MISSING);

the call to "delete" will recursively delete all files within the repositories but, here too, one of the "pack" files is held open by the WindowCache, despite the call to "repo.close()" just above.


On 21/03/2013 12:30, Robin Stocker wrote:

Could you try doing the following change?:

         public void testSearchDirectoryWithBareRepos() throws Exception {
+               shutDownRepositories();


Laurent Goubet wrote:
A memory profiler helped :).

within the tests,
tries to delete the test directory, directory that contains the test
repositories in the user home. This recursively deletes all files it
can find. Deep down, there is a pack file that needs to be deleted.

This pack file is held open by . A savage hack
to close() and removeAll(PackFile) on that particular file before
the call to "delete" allows the tests to pass.

I do not know these parts of JGit enough to really know what to do
from there. Any suggestion on how to properly clear the repository?


On 21/03/2013 10:56, Laurent Goubet wrote:

I can't say "always the same" for sure, but since I have from 70 to
90 failures every run, some are failing every time, yes :).

I am currently trying to figure out how I could detect the leak, but
lack the tools. Currently trying out with a memory profiler if there
are suspicious input/output streams on that file.


On 21/03/2013 10:35, Alex Blewitt wrote:

On 21 Mar 2013, at 09:03, Laurent Goubet wrote:

I usually end up with a lot of errors, most of them because JGit/EGit
does not manage to remove some of the files from its test
repositories. Disabling my anti-virus does not help. My latest run
ended up in 79 errors and 1 failure, and left the following files on
my fs :
Unlike Linux, Windows doesn't let you delete a file if something else
has it open for read. It's possible that these tests are exposing a
file handle leak which would not manifest itself on Linux or MacOSX.

Is it the same tests that are failing each time?


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