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Re: [egit-dev] Logical model support in EGit

On 19/02/2013 00:28, Matthias Sohn wrote:
2013/2/15 Laurent Goubet <laurent.goubet@xxxxxxx>
We'd like to know if the EGit team has any plans to make all of these actions support extensions to the model providers, and how we could best contribute to this effort.
I am not aware of anyone having this on his plan at the moment. I'd appreciate if you plan to tackle this area, I'll try to help by reviewing and testing your proposals. Since I am not a modeling guy I'd need examples I can use to tryout your changes.

Gunnar had copy/pasted some information I provided him so that he could test his patches on . That is probably the most concise I can do to explain how to test this :).

Basically, you need EMF Compare in your dev environment as that is what provides the "EMF" model provider implementation to Team. Afterwards, the repository I have set up on github holds the necessary history to test most comparison actions, bug 393225 explaining what we're expecting as result of the compare with > branch action.

There are no model providers I know of for text files. Building a "mock" one to test the implementation would be another way to test, but I think the best test is that the behavior should change for EMF files while remaining exactly the same for text/java files.

On 19/02/2013 00:30, Matthias Sohn wrote:
2013/2/15 Mikaël Barbero <mikael.barbero@xxxxxxx>
I'm one of the committers of EMF Compare and I work along with Laurent on Logical model support in EMF Compare. I will give a talk at Eclipse Con NA in Boston next month. If any of you plans to be there and is interested in talking about this subject directly, I would be very glad to organize a BOF or a meeting on the subject.

myself and also Stefan Lay will be attending EclipseCon so we could meet and discuss
EMF Compare and EGit integration

Mikaël is in holidays for two weeks, he'll hook up with you when he returns :).

Laurent Goubet
fn:Laurent Goubet
org:<a href="";>Obeo</a>

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