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Re: [egit-dev] [jgit-dev] JGit / EGit 1.1 Release ahead

2011/9/7 Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2011/9/7 Kevin Sawicki <kevinsawicki@xxxxxxxxx>
They are my changes, but just to confirm, it looks like on the Release schedule that next Friday is literal deadline.

Is that correct?

I submitted the IP logs for review today so we shouldn't invalidate that by accepting
contributions from non committers for 1.1, if there is an urgent need we could
accept small changes which don't need a CQ but I would like to avoid that since
I have to amend the IP log then.

I'd like to contribute the final build latest on Sept 13 to the Indigo SR1 aggregation build
since I am not in the office on 14th and I prefer to reserve a last chance to fix errors on
my end for 15th.

Do you want egit-github included in the release train build ? Then this is the
last build as the last week is quite week [1]. For 1.0 egit-github wasn't included
in the release train hence we could release it a bit later.

I tagged v1.1.0.201109151100-r and contributed that to Indigo SR1 RC4 which is supposed 
to be the final build for SR1. Then I flipped the versions to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
staging p2 repositories

staging jgit maven repository
Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

Also IP logs are approved, so the only thing missing is the approved release review
which is scheduled for Sept 21. Then we can copy the release to the public download
locations and we can announce the release.


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