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[egit-dev] Moving the Scala Eclipse tooling to git

Hi folks,

I've decided to finally take the plunge and move the Scala Eclipse
tooling over to git, but I have a few questions about how best to
approach things given jgit/egit's current state of development.

My understanding is that jgit/egit don't support submodules yet. Is
that so? If they don't, do you have any idea when you'd expect to see
submodule support arriving?

The issue for me is that I would like to keep the core scala toolchain
(ie. compiler and standard libs) somewhat separate from the IDE
specific components (ie. at least one repository for the core
toolchain/libs and at least one repository for the IDE), but I still
need to be able to commit atomically across both. I believe the git
way of doing this is with submodules, whereas egit currently only
supports multiple Eclipse projects within a single git repository and
chokes on repositories which are set up as submodules.

Am I getting this right? And if I am, what do you recommend for now?
I'd like to move to git ASAP, but I don't want to end up with a setup
which leaves me in a bind later.

I also gather that egit doesn't yet support merging in general, and
presumably subtree merges in particular. Assuming I get by with the
command line tools for (subtree) merges now are there any issues I
should be aware of?

Any pointers would be very much appreciated.



Miles Sabin
tel: +44 (0)7813 944 528
skype:  milessabin

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