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[edt-dev] New Language/Validation updates have been released today

EDT developers,

My apologies if you are receiving this note multiple times. It seems that the mailing list did not distribute the note to all developers the first time I sent this:

I wanted to let you all know about some validation and language updates that have just been released that may affect your testcases:

1) The "+" and ":?" operators and their corresponding assignment operators ("+=" and "?:=") are not longer considered to be concatenation operators for EGL arrays. The only concatenation operator that is valid for adding entries into an array is the "::" operator (and the corresponding assignment "::=").

2) The validation warning that was produced when comparing an ANY type with a value type has been removed. The java runtime code has been updated to allow numeric values to be compared (using == and !=) with values that are "boxed" in an ANY object. Most of the comparisons already worked for _javascript_. I have opened a bug for the few scenerios that _javascript_ was failing for.

3) Most importantly, as this will affect the most number of testcases, it is now invalid to pass a value type argument to a reference type function parameter that is defined as INOUT or OUT. The boxing and unboxing required to accomplish this for all cases is not possible. I doubt that there is any samples that rely on this functionality, so this should just break test variations that are designed to test this scenerio.

Please contact me if you have any questions


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