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[eclipselink-users] problems with EL 2.6.1 Exception [EclipseLink-7329] "attribute not mapped"


moving to EL 2.6.1 we encounter some problems with mappings which ran with former EL versions.


For something like


  <orm:entity class="CompanyUserAuthorization" cacheable="false">

    <orm:table name="BUYING.AMUSERAUTHORIZATION" />


    <orm:discriminator-column name="ID_DISCRIMINATOR"

      type="NUMBER" />

    <orm:inheritance strategy="SINGLE_TABLE" />


      <orm:one-to-one name="company">

        <orm:join-column name="OBJECTID" nullable="false" />






I see an ValidationException (7329)


Exception [EclipseLink-7329] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.1.v20150916-55dc7c3): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException

Exception Description:

Attribute company of CopyGroup()(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{role => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(role)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{versionTimestamp, permissions => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(permissions)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)


authorizationTypes => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(authorizationTypes)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{parent => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(parent)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{code, versionTimestamp, description, id}}, code, versionTimestamp, description, id}},

application => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(application)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{name, description, id, enumName}}, name, description, id,

neededRole => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(neededRole)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{versionTimestamp, name, description, disabled, id}}}}, name, description, disabled, id,

neededRole => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(neededRole)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{versionTimestamp, name, description, disabled, id}}}}, versionTimestamp,

company => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(company)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false){name, id}}, id,

operator => {class java.lang.Object=CopyGroup(operator)(depth = CASCADE_TREE, reset key = false, reset version = false)

{ocnGuid, firstName, versionTimestamp, surName, loginName, ekrUserName, ynActive, ldapUniqueQualifier, id, userName, email, employeeNumber}}} is not mapped.



There similar exceptions in similar cases.

We use orm.xml throughout our applications.


Any hints?


Regards, Markus


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