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[eclipselink-users] StaticMetamodel and joda.time.Interval with EclipseLink

I'm re-posting, because i noticed my previous email had formatting issues:

I have and Entity using an EclipseLink (v2.5.2) specific Transformation:

@Transformation(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@ReadTransformer(method = "readValidityInterval")
@WriteTransformer(method = "writeValidityIntervalStart", column = @Column(name = "validityinterval_0")),
@WriteTransformer(method = "writeValidityIntervalEnd", column = @Column(name = "validityinterval"))
private Interval validityInterval;


public static volatile SingularAttribute<Entity, org.joda.time.Interval> validityInterval; 

I can set and read to the database fine using the getters and setters, but when I try to use the metamodel for a query, the Path returns a java.lang.Object instead of joda.time.Interval for the javaType (I imagine this is a default).

Path<Interval> test2 = singularAttribute.<Interval>get("validityInterval");

`typedQuery.unwrap(JpaQuery.class).getDatabaseQuery().getSQLString()` returns null,
then `typedQuery.getResultList()` fails.

If I use:


it fails fast with:

No [ManagedType] was found for the key class [java.lang.Object] in the Metamodel -
please verify that the [Managed] class was referenced in persistence.xml using a
specific <class></class> property or a global <exclude-unlisted-
classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes> element.

Is there something I'm missing for TransformationMapping and metamodels?

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