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[eclipselink-users] Using AssociateOverride with Embeddable Entity


I am having some trouble trying to make a shared Embeddedable class to work across different classes having some FK column names overridden.

This is model:

    class Location {

      private LocationType locationType;

      @JoinColumn(name="co_state", referencedColumnName="co_state")
      private State state;

      private City city;

      @ManyToOne //Composite PK
        @JoinColumn(name="co_unit", referencedColumnName="co_unit"),
        @JoinColumn(name="co_city", referencedColumnName="co_city", insertable=false, updatable=false)
      private LocalUnit unit;

    class Notificator {

         @AssociationOverride(name="state", joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name = "co_source_state", referencedColumnName = "co_state")),
         @AssociationOverride(name="city", joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name = "co_source_city", referencedColumnName = "co_city")),
         @AssociationOverride(name="unit", joinColumns={
           @JoinColumn(name = "co_source_unit", referencedColumnName = "co_unit"),
           @JoinColumn(name = "co_source_city", referencedColumnName = "co_city", updatable=false, insertable=false) }),
      private Location sourceLocation;

      @ManyToOne //Different from the one inside source location
         @JoinColumn(name="co_city", insertable=false, updatable=false)
      private LocalUnit notificatorUnit;

Then i have another class called Message, which has "origin" and "destination" embedded attributes of Location type following the same AssociationOverrides logic, but of course with a bit different names.

Honestly it looks fine to me, but when i try to start the context i get this error:

      Exception [EclipseLink-93] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20131113-          a7346c6): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
      Exception Description: The table [TB_NOTIFICATOR] is not present in this           descriptor.
      Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(common.location.City --> [DatabaseTable(TB_CITY)])

      Exception [EclipseLink-93] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20131113-          a7346c6): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException
      Exception Description: The table [TB_MESSAGE] is not present in this descriptor.
      Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(common.location.City -->           [DatabaseTable(TB_CITY)])

I tried to remove the city attribute from Location class, but then the error starts to be thrown for the "unit" attribute and TB_UNIT table.

Any thoughts on how to make it works?


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