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[eclipselink-users] N + 1 SELECT: not seeing it on an EAGER load

I want to make sure I'm understanding the behavior of EclipseLink properly with regards to when it will spontaneously avoid the N + 1 SELECTs problem.

I have an entity A with a @OneToMany relationship with B.  The fetch type here is marked FetchType.EAGER for various reasons, most of which are invalid :-) but let's just leave that alone for now since I don't really have control over it. :-)  It also has an @OrderBy annotation specifying a displayOrder field.

If I do an entityManager.find(A.class, 1L), I see (as I would expect) the SQL fly by that selects A's fields and a WHERE clause specifying A's id (1 in this case).

Fine so far.

Now I would expect to see the N + 1 SELECT problem: that is, EclipseLink is now going to go get all of A's Bs, since they're supposed to be loaded eagerly.  So I brace myself for an onslaught of SELECT b.x, b.y FROM b WHERE ( = ?).  I've seen this too many times before and am familiar (I think!) with what causes the problem.

But instead I see (surprising to me, but surprising in a good way :-)) a single SQL statement that appears to grab all Bs in one shot:

SELECT b.x, b.y FROM b WHERE (b.aid = ?) ORDER BY b.displayOrder ASC

This is nice.  Huh, I think, batch fetching for free.  I check around to see if someone has specified any batch fetching hints, but they haven't.  The only two "out of the ordinary" things I can see are:
  • a FetchType of EAGER
  • a JPA @OrderBy annotation
So: under what unhinted circumstances will EclipseLink avoid the N + 1 problem?  Is it the EAGER specification that's causing this behavior, or the @OrderBy (obviously to order a list you need a list, not individual one-shot retrievals)?



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