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Re: [eclipselink-users] Lifecycle of a client session?

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 5:59 AM, Tom Ware <tom.ware@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What is it that leads you to believe the leak is related to your custom database platform?  Is the custom platform the same as the one that is now checked into later versions of EclipseLink as Informix11Platform?  If not, how does it differ?  Where is the reference to the GlassFish application classloader held?

We took a heap dump immediately after doing a (GlassFish) asadmin undeploy and found that EclipseLink (which as we use it is installed as part of GlassFish and loaded by the GlassFish common classloader) was retaining a reference to JenzabarInformixPlatform, which is present in a .jar file in our .ear file.  This platform was installed by a SessionCustomizer we wrote that (at a certain point) does:


...which works fine.  (The SessionCustomizer does not appear to be retained in any way, which is good news.)

It made immediate sense to me: if the Login object hangs around longer than our application does, then it retains a reference to the JenzabarInformixPlatform and that would be enough to prevent the application from being undeployed.


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