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[eclipselink-users] eclipselink - getting started

We are currently using the old method of using hibernate ( .xml files ) - no JPA.

I want to convert over to EclipseLink. We have three schemas/DB's and about 300 tables. What is the best way to generate entity classes for each table and:
    1.  have the relationships (many to many) autoconfigured?
2. have all the entity classes extend from a specific base class that I create where I want to have some default behaviour for each entity?

It would be grueling to create all the entity classes by hand and generating these from the DB would be most helpful.

Also we will be use the generate model with four databases on which our product is built (Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & MySQL), so the generated types must take into consideration the different database types and map correctly.

I would like to generate the classes from an installation of PostgreSQL and have it work with the four DB's that we support.

if this is at all possible, please point me in the right direction.



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