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[eclipselink-users] question about composite persistence unit


I read the wiki entry about composite persistence unit and I wonder, whether 
it is possible to extend the list of classes by member persistence units 
without specifying the jar-files.

Situation is this:
In an eclipse rcp app I have several plugins, that provide content for common 
navigator framework. So the dynamic content is integrated into the shown tree 
of main application.
That app does not know, which plugins are added to extend the app.

I'd like do achieve similar functionality with eclipselink to, which means, 
the content for CNF is a mapped entity, that should be handled by an entity 
EntityManager will be created by the application, that does not know, which 
plugin was added to be handled. So I do not want to add the jarfiles to the 
main persistence unit.

All entities are part of the same database, but are declared in independent 

So how can I notify the entitymanager (or its factory) about the new added 
entities (i.e. from an activator of the loaded content-plugin)?

kind regards


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