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[eclipselink-users] To query an entity with filters on a OneToMany attribute gives a weird result


I use  EclipseLink for 9 months and so far no problem. Since I have the
need to query an entity with a OneToMany attribute, it's all the contrary.
It gives me a strange result.
I have simplified my entities until the maximum but the problem remains.

I will explain my need which is ultra simple :  I have two entities :
Person which has a bidirectional relation with Address.
Person has potentially several Addresses but an Address belongs to one and
only Person.

In Classes, it gives that :

public class Person implements Serializable {

    private Long id;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    private Set<Address> addresses;

// Getter and setter


public class Address implements Serializable {

    private String idAddress;

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "idPerson", referencedColumnName = "idPerson")
    private Person person;

// Getter and setter

I want to query personne with their adresses. All that with some conditions
on personne and adresse.
My simplified query  "select pers FROM Person pers join pers.addresses
                     where pers.matricule=:matricule  and"

When i execute it, i retrieve the right person but with all addresses
linked (with foreign key) with this person. Even the addresses which don't
match with the dateContract condition.

It seems that it's a problem related to the use of filtering on a oneToMany
attribute in my query. The problem is solved if i do several requests but
it will give low performances as I have several requests like this.
I have tried with the oneToMany in eager initialization and with a
fetch-join query hint but i have got the same result.

Thank you for having read me :)

PS : I have written the code manually, so a little typo is not impossible


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