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Re: [eclipselink-users] Order by association key fields not working(with criteria api)

Try adding an additional Basic mapping to the the b_id field and make it read-only (updatable=false and insertable=false)

My reading of the spec suggests that the open jpa behavior goes beyond what the spec requires (in pariticular, the spec requires that the elements of the order clause be included in the select clause and the BNF suggests navigating to a state_field which I do not believe a manyToOne qualifies as.). In my opinion, however, this is a reasonable enhancement to request. (and the fact that we don't give a reasonable error message is likely a bug). Please enter an enhancement request.


Michael Pflüger wrote:
i want to create a query that orders by several fields including foreign key fields of associations.
This worked fine with openjpa, but eclipselink generates wrong SQL.

I have an Entity A with a manyToOne asscoiation to entity B.
I order by A_.normal_field, A_.b, and ecliselink genereates "oder by normal_field ASC, ASC", so it leaves the second order by empty where it should put "b_id", the respective column name.

A workaround probably would be a join, however this is not an option to me as a join is too costly and should not be needed here.

I wonder if i could put an additional "b_id" field to entity A which refers to the same column as the association or if that could lead to further trouble :)

In the end i think this is a bug though and i should probably report it in the tracker!?

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