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Re: [eclipselink-users] EclipseLink 2.2 PersistenceProvider osgi registeration

Although we recommend going to Gemini, our proprietary implementation should still work. What are the symptoms of your problem?

Which EclipseLink bundles are you deploying? Is the org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.osgi bundle deployed? Are all the bundles starting correctly?

The example that shows how our implementation works is here:

Are you following the same basic steps?


ahmed.aadel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi All,

I tried to move to EclipseLink 2.2. In our OSGi environment we track "javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider" implementations and use them depending on our clients choices. I can see EclipseLink 2.2 is no more registering its j.p.spi.PersistenceProvider (osgi) implementation. I read and understand the move towards integrating OSGi Enterprise (JPA Persistence) using Gemini but we can't use it yet at our production stage, yet we need some new feature like: CascadeOnDelete. So, If EclipseLink 2.2 is no more exposing its PersistenceProvider implementation but only osgi EMF and EMF Builder services, is it, then, safe to extend "org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.osgi.PersistenceProvider", and use it direclty to create EM factories?

Thank you.

Ahmed Aadel
Software Change Management


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