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[eclipselink-users] EclipseLink and Memory Problems


I'm noticing something strange here: My application uses EclispseLink and consumes a lot of memory. Most of the memory seems (according to a heap dump) be consumed by EcliseLink. Somehow EclipseLink seems to consume more and more memory - until it reaches the limit and starts to get incredibly slow.

My latest Heap Dump shows, that the application used 835MB. One UnitOfWorkChangeSet consumes 227MB and another one is there that consumes 220MB. And finally there are around 440.000 instances of QueryBasedValueHolder using 88MB.

I don't care about the memory itself, but the application gets very slow when trying to use EclipseLink while being at the memory limit, thus EclipseLink is obviously slowing itself down by consuming the memory.

Has anyone experienced this? Any solutions?


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