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[eclipselink-users] Eclipse Dali Refactoring Participation

The Dali JPT team has recently started planning for the Eclipse Indigo release. For those who do not know, the Dali JPT (Java Persistence Tools) Project provides extensible frameworks and tools for defining and editing JPA entities. Dali provides design-time validation, code-assist, and a rich UI for entity and persistence unit configuration of Generic JPA and EclipseLink specific projects.

I am working on refactoring support both in terms of participation and adding new JPA specific refactorings. The simplest case will be to support deleting, renaming, or moving a java class and updating the persistence.xml and orm.xml mapping files. Please review the below doc and provide feedback here or on the corresponding bugs.

Phase 1 work is planned for M1. The remaining phases are likely to be prioritized lower than other features planned for Indigo. Community feedback or contributions could change those priorities.


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