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[eclipselink-users] PostgreSQL array mapping


I'm new on the list and I've tried to search for this problem without
any luck. So sorry if this was discussed before.

I'm trying to implement a class which uses a PostgreSQL integer[]
field as data for an attribute. I've written a Converter (called
ArrayConverter) which converts the data from the Data value to Object
value and it's working very well, it looks like this:

       public Object convertDataValueToObjectValue(final Object from, final
Session session) {

               if (from instanceof Integer[]) {
                       final Integer[] to = (Integer[]) from;
                       return Arrays.asList(to);

               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown object type!");

But I could not write the Object value to Data value converter because
I could not use any array data there. I've figured out that I cannot

- the psql writing "{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }" format because it'll fail with
'ERROR: column "data" is of type integer[] but expression is of type
character varying' which is true of course because the result of the
convertObjectValueToDataValue method will be a String in this case

- the "ARRAY[1, 2, 3, 4]" for the same reason

- I've tried multiple ways to call a stored function to create an
ARRAY but I could not call any stored function from there. Is there a
way to do it? Or any way to save array from EclipseLink to PostgreSQL?

I've found this thread:
but the test mentioned in the CVS unfortunately does not exist in SVN
or I was enough stupid to not found it :(

.: istvan karaszi :: raszi :: raszi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx :.

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