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[eclipselink-users] relationships must be severed after merge for remove to function properly?

I have the following enitiy map:
A->B->C (where -> represents a OneToMany relationship)

If I want to remove a B, I sever the relationship between A and B. If I do this before the EntityManager.merge, merge returns a B object with no relationship to A. However, if I remove that returned B, it will be deleted from the database but not the cache, just as if the relationship had not been severed.

But, if I sever the relationship on the B returned from merge and then do the remove, all is fine (deleted from database and cache).

Is this expected behavior? It seems to me that you should be able to sever the relationship before the merge, as merge is supposed to copy the state of the object. But, maybe the issue here is that the state of B is copied, but not of A, therefore A still contains the relationship to B and B is not removed from the cache. I have a cascade=ALL on all of the OneToMany relationships, but not on the related ManyToOne's. Should I be cascading the other direction also?


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