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Re: Betr.: Re: [eclipselink-users] Strange persistence layer behaviour

Willem Kunkels a écrit :

Well, the mappins have indeed been specified on both sides of the relationship...the LetterOfCreditGoederenOmsRegel entity contains the following:

    @ManyToOne(cascade=CascadeType./REFRESH/, fetch = FetchType./LAZY/)
@JoinColumn(name = "LIVLG", referencedColumnName = "LIVLG", insertable = *false*, updatable = *false*), @JoinColumn(name = "IKONR", referencedColumnName = "IKONR", insertable = *false*, updatable = *false*), @JoinColumn(name = "IKRNR", referencedColumnName = "IKRNR", insertable = *false*, updatable = *false*) })
    *private* LetterOfCreditGoederenOms goederenOms;

    *public* LetterOfCreditGoederenOms getGoederenOms() {
        *return* goederenOms;

So, still puzzled by this..

Hi Willem,

Your relations looks ok to me, but when you modify an instance of this, and it has an impact on the relationship, both sides of the relationship need to be updated.


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