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[eclipselink-users] SecondaryTable mapping question

I have a legacy mapping question.

I have a table called id_rec (this is from a 30 year old database).  It stores, basically, a row for just about every single thing in the system.

I have another table called profile_rec.  It stores, roughly, person-related data, and has a foreign key back to the id_rec table.

All things being equal, I'd like to map these to a single object.  Let's call it Person.  I'd like to annotate this like this (partially, and from memory, so forgive syntax errors):

@Table(name = "id_rec")
@SecondaryTable(name = "profile_rec", pkJoinColumns =
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "id"))
public class Person {

Now, I'm assuming that if I do this, and I persist() a Person, I will get a new row in the id_rec table and the profile_rec table.

"But wait," some of you are thinking--and exactly, I foresee a wrinkle here.  What if--this is hypothetical for this example, but realistic for other similar ones--what if a row already exists in the id_rec table with, say, a pk of 5, and I insert a new Person whose primary key ("id") is set to 5?  Is EclipseLink smart enough to realize that it should do an "upsert" on the id_rec table?  Or will it try, blindly, to slam two INSERTS home, thus causing the transaction to roll back?

Expanding this example out a bit, I'm looking for a convenient way to map what are effectively roles within this ancient database into a simple Java API.  I realize that I could of course make a Person have a @OneToOne relationship with an ID/Party/Thing, but I really don't want to have the Thing (id_rec) be something that is composed inside another object.  That is, I want any given role (account holder, student, train engineer, whatever) to simply include his "base" information from the (related) id_rec record.  This looks exactly like what @SecondaryTable is intended for, PROVIDED that when you're "attaching" a new role record to an *existing* base information record the provider is smart enough to do an UPDATE on the id_rec table, not an INSERT.

I hope I've been articulate enough to explain my problem.


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