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[eclipselink-users] Notifications about external database changes


I am having a little trouble understanding how my EntityManager could be informed about changes to the database that were made by a 3rd Party program in another process. Is there any recommended way to reload/refresh the entities in the entity manager? I am currently using "eclipselink.refresh=true" as a query hint in my getResultList() calls. But once you forget that, you will not see external changes. Is there a way to globally turn of entity caching?

Also is there a "non-pull" way of getting notified about changes in tables from outside? My application needs to monitor progress on orders and currently I am polling every 10 seconds to do a full entity update using a "select e from SendOrder e" query. Which is of course highly inefficient. I could use DB-triggers but they cannot be managed by JPA and are not available on every database.

Any ideas?


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