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[eclipselink-users] Join with additional Where condition

Hi together,

I have the following use case with a fictive example:
- ManyToMany relation
- Table User(id, name, city, ...)
- Table Course(id, name, regionCode, ...)
- Some courses are only for special regions (> 0, if regionCode = 0 is the
course everywhere available)
- FetchType.Eager
- configuration through annotations

So, the select on User delivers all the users, with all the corresponding
Courses. However, only the courses with the regionCode = 0 are wanted.
How is it possible to add additional where condition for the Joins? The
wanted additional condition is
c.regionCode = 0

The following query is unfortunately not successful
entityManager.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u, Course c 
                                       WHERE c.regionCode = 0 AND (( =
1) OR ( = 2) OR ...)");

EclipseLink modifies the Query with the Outer-Joins and the conditon
"c.regionCode = 0" does not fit any more (result is not as excepted)

My current solution is:
- Use @PostLoad to remove the Courses from the property, which
have course.regionCode != 0. But that is not really nice!

How is it possible to constrain the resulting set, ideally with the

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards


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